Voshall Construction

Aug 15, 2022
How To Begin Preparations For Your New Commercial Construction Project

Are you in the process of planning a new commercial construction project? If so, congratulations! These projects can be a significant undertaking, but they also have the potential to create a lot of value for your business. However, like any other large project, it’s important to start preparations early and ensure that you’re doing everything right for a successful outcome.

In this post, we will look at some of the critical things you need to do to get started on your commercial construction project.

Find the Right Contractor:

The success and difficulty of your project will be primarily determined by the contractor you choose. It’s essential to research and find a reputable contractor with experience in commercial construction. Once you’ve found a few potential contractors, get bids from each and compare their prices.

Define a Budget:

You need to clearly understand how much money you’re willing to spend on your project. It will help you narrow down your options and ensure you don’t overspend. Be sure to factor in materials, labor, and other associated costs. You can’t tell when a construction site becomes a money pit, so be prepared for the worst.

Get the Necessary Permits:

Before you start digging, you need to make sure that you have all of the necessary permits. It can be a time-consuming process, so it’s essential to start early. A few of the permits you’ll need are:

  • a building permit
  • a zoning permit
  • a construction permit

You may also need a demolition permit if you plan to demolish an existing structure. Your contractor should be able to help you with this.

Build a Team:

In addition to a general contractor, you’ll need a team of other professionals like engineers, architects, and surveyors. If you’re unsure where to find these professionals, your general contractor should be able to help you out. You can also look for commercial construction firms in your area.

Develop a Construction Schedule:

Once you have the permits, it’s time to create a construction schedule. It will keep you on track and help you avoid any costly delays. It is imperative if your project is a remodel because you will need to coordinate the construction around the existing business.

Be sure to include time for:

  • Construction site preparation: It includes clearing the land, excavating, and putting in any retaining walls or other foundation work.
  • Foundation work framing: It is the phase where the actual building starts to take shape.
  • Electrical work: All the wiring and installation of outlets, lights, and other electrical components occur during this phase.
  • Plumbing: The installation of pipes, fixtures, and other plumbing components occurs during this phase.
  • Insulation: It is critical in commercial construction to ensure energy efficiency and soundproofing.

You should also factor in time for inspections. These are essential at various stages of construction.


At Voshall Construction, serving Bel Air, CA, we pride ourselves on our ability to understand our clients’ needs and help them achieve their vision. We would be honored to partner with you on your next project, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

We also offer free consultation services to help you get started.